Jörg von Chamier-Glisczinski
Jörg von Chamier-Glisczinski

At our family reunion 2015 in Szczecin I suggested to start a homepage for our family to make our association more modern and maybe attract younger folks. And from a personal and more international perspective more members from far away.

An internet page however lives - just like a family - from current affairs and activities.

For this I need your help. Send me questions, stories, photos, proposals how to make it more interesting for you. You can find my mail address in the members login. Or just send a message via the contact button. Or find me on Facebook. 

Since I am moving through the world from country to country and my work for the German Diplomatic Service is sometimes hectic it sometimes needs time for me to update this website. Please bear with me. Since July 2021 I am living in Quito / Ecuador.